Sunday, July 10, 2011

Silly Isaac!

Isaac was on fire today with all his funny comments and stories. Here are a few that I felt needed to be recorded...

Isaac- Mommy, I have a scratch on the side of my eye.
Me- Oh, I'm sorry bud. How'd that happen?
Isaac- A long time ago I went to a jungle all by myself and a tiger AND a lion got me.
Me- Wow! Did you tell them that that wasn't very nice?
Isaac- Yeah, but it's ok 'cause I killed them with my really, really, really, really, really BIG light saber!

Isaac (while going potty)- Mommy, you really need to clean my toilet. It has a lot of poop on it.
Me- *I laugh and get the toilet cleaner and scrubber*
Isaac (very interested in what I'm doing)- Are you going to get Opsy Clean?
Me- What?
Isaac- Opsy Clean! Are you going to get it?
Me-What's Opsy Clean?
Isaac- I don't know. It's just that the guy on TV said it takes stains out of shirts and toilets!
Me- Oh, you mean Oxy Clean!!!

Clean your own poop kid!

This was the first picture I took. As you can see, sucking in the gut didn't help! :)

While he was in the bath tub tonight he was playing with two little action figures. Using two different, deep voices, he had a conversation between them...
Guy 1- Hi there. It's nice to meet you.
Guy 2- Hi. It's nice to meet you too.
Guy 1- You wanna dance?
Guy 2- But I'm a guy!?
Guy 1- But I'm a guy too!?
Guy 2- Well, you can be the girl then!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

haha!! love it! I think him and Brooke would have great conversations!