Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Hand Fulls

I looked up Isaac's name in the dictionary the other day and it said, "Isaac - boy who hates wearing clothes, especially diapers." This kid! If Shaun had to get hurt, it happened at the perfect time. It has been so nice having him home to help (as much as he can that is). Isaac has decided to throw a fit EVERYTIME we (because it takes both of us) change his diaper or put clothes on him. He's incredibly strong!!! I've had to put diapers on him while he's standing up! I realized that this was crazy and reminded myself that I was the parent and that he will do what I want him to do... Even if that means a little swat on the side of the leg and a very unhappy boy! Disciplining your child is hard! Isaac is a determind little guy and knows what he wants. He's the real energizer bunny with no off switch. He hates being held down for even a 20 second diaper change for fear that he might miss something!
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Monday, August 25, 2008

A Thankful Heart!

Today I should be starting my 5th year of teaching, yet because I have such a wonderful husband that has worked hard to secure a job that would support us, I get to stay home with my baby and fulfill my hearts desire. I enjoyed teaching but it was never meant to be my career. It was a stepping stone that helped me get where I really wanted to be. I love staying home more than anything and am thankful that God has provided us with the means for me to be able to. Thank you Shaun for your hard work and dedication to your job and family and thank you Isaac for your smiles and monkey sounds that keep me going everyday!!! I love you both!

Isaac - 4 days old

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What does a monkey say?

Shaun and I, without a Shadow of a doubt, know that Isaac is the smartest, funniest, not to mention cutest kid in the world... I don't care if we're his parents and we're supposed to think that either! I can't even imagine life without him. OR before him! Because of Isaac our days are full of true joy, endless laughter, and praise to God for this little life that He has entrusted us with! It's amazing how quickly he learns new "tricks" and picks up on "monkey see, monkey do." His favorite sound right now is hoo, hoo, hoo (like a monkey). We ask him, "Isaac, what does a monkey say?" His excited reply, "Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Whenever he sees an animal (even in a book), that's what he does! SO SMART!!! Here is a picture of him doing his sound. He was reading about Noah's Ark and all the animals. Hopefully you can imagine the sound he's making.

Do you see the resemblance?

Shaun put up a gate by the stairs today so it was my job to keep the kids out of the way! Isaac wanted to "help" and the cats wanted to take the nails so I pulled out a laser and was back in control!

Isaac loves chasing Weezer ALL OVER the house! Hence, the reason we finally put the gate up!

Cloi is ALWAYS right in the middle of everything. She still tries to compete for being my favorite baby too!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Pictures for Grammie...

Because my parents live far, they don't get to see Isaac very often. Not ideal for any granparents! This is the perfect way to give them "quick fixes." So, here you go mom... Random pictures of Isaac just for you!

Book time. One of Isaac's favorite things to do!

I'm so glad he loves the water! We went swimming the other day and after an hour he was still going strong!

Isaac is pointing at things now! We've had some great E.T. moments!

Just try and get in his way... He'll go right over you!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Neighbors

Two years ago, when Shaun and I decided that it was time to buy a home, one thing we were very concerned about was who our neighbors were going to be. We did not have good luck with apartment living. The first day we moved in our fears disappeared and we realized we were blessed beyond belief. To make a long story short, we LOVED our neighbors and will forever be friends. Sadly, all good things must come to an end and this past March they moved. It was a very sad time for us all but thankfully they are still within reach (an hour and a half away).

This past weekend we went to visit our neighbors (that's how we still refer to them)! Shaun of course sat on the couch the whole time but Isaac was in princess heaven. They have two girls so there was pink everywhere. Here are a few pictures of Isaac and his girlfriend, Kallie!

In a play room full of babies, barbies, princess dresses, jewelry, and magic wands, Isaac managed to find a basketball and football. Shaun was very Proud of his manly little boy and figured he must be doing something right.

Enjoying lounging on the stairs. Kallie is three months older (yet two times smaller) than Isaac so he had a lot to learn this weekend.

Playing with the door stopper!... One of the most entertaining household items!

Isaac saved Princess Riley while continuing to keep a firm grip on the basketball! What a Prince Charming!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Triplets are HOME!!!

Good friends of ours had triplets in June and as of a few days ago, they are all home from the hospital! They were born at 29 1/2 weeks and were, amazingly, in the three pound range. Now, two months later, they are weighing in at 7 to 8 pounds. They are still tiny but strong and healthy! Their parents realize that they are very blessed, BUT have never been more tired! Having one baby at a time is hard enough! I can't imagine THREE!!!

Taylor and Abbey


Thursday, August 14, 2008

And the count down begins... AGAIN!

After many talks and careful concideration we've decided to NOT cancel our trip to Hawaii! We leave in 20 days! Shaun will be on cruches but is getting a special wrap for when he's in the water. We're going to the Big Island so he won't have to deal with many sandy beaches. Our trip activities are already limited because of Isaac so the only thing we won't be doing is hiking! I'm thrilled that my parents are coming too (extra help)! Here are some reasons why we decided to still go:
The day before Shaun's doctor's appt. he was on hold with the travel agency for an hour and no one ever helped him. He was calling to cancel...
I asked the doctor if we could go and he said, "Sure! Why not?"
Shaun is burning up all of his sick and vacation days right now so he won't have much time off next year.
We booked our trip at the perfect time. If we go next year it's going to be at least $500 more!
Oahu 2004

Maui 2006

The Big Island 2008

(Picture to come)

Kauai 2010

(Picture to come)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Nightly Walks

Our nightly walks have resumed! Thank you Mrs. Mann for the wheel chair!!! Shaun had a doctor's appointment today and they took his 15 staples out (I almost threw up and had to leave the room) and put a new cast on. It was a painful process due to the fact that they had to change the angle of his foot. He is now at a 70 degree angle and in four weeks they will recast it to a 90 degree angle. We were expecting a 4 -6 month recovery time but the doctor was encouraging and said to expect more like an 8 - 10 week recovery. Shaun has been checking out the Achilles Tendon Blogs (I'm learning that they have blogs for everything) and was surprised to see that most people were walking by two months and jogging by three to four months! This isn't as horrible as we thought!!!! Of course his job is physically demanding so he MUST take it slow!

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tag... I'm it!

I have to write 5 random facts about myself and then tag 5 more people to write about themselves.

The Rules:

1. I have to list the rules first.
2. I have to give 5 random facts about myself.
3. I need to tag 5 people at the end.
4. Each person I tag needs to blog 5 random facts about themselves.
5. Don't forget to let the tagged people know they have been tagged.

Random Facts about Erica:

1. In high school I kept a journal. I faithfully wrote in it EVERYDAY for THREE YEARS! I ended up filling 11 journals before I finally stopped.

2. I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders! I can't even look at pictures of spiders. It creeps me out to even write the word spider. Warning: If you even use this information against me (ex: show me a spider, put one on me, real or fake), I will disown you as a friend/family member...

3. I call the glove compartment in a car the glove department!

4. I HATE shaving my legs! It's the biggest chore! So, I only do it like once a week. Poor Shaun! I was baby-sitting one time and the little boy told me that his mommy's legs don't feel like mine. Mine felt like a cactus!

5. I have minor OCD symptoms. Like the pillows on my couch have to be turned the correct way, the clothes in my closet are color coded, when I make a PBJ sandwich the peanut butter and jelly have to be spread evenly, making sure it touches every corner and every side, the rug in the hall has to be straight... Ok, maybe I'm a little worse than I thought!

Now I'm tagging...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Banana, Cheerios, and Printer Ink for Breakfast!

Isaac found an ink cartridge box by the computer, which I thought was empty. Apparently it wasn't... It was actually a completely FULL cartridge. As you can see by the picture I don't think it tasted too good! We called poison control after we read, "Harmful if swallowed," on the box! They said Isaac would be fine and even chuckled at the situation. I cleaned him as much as I could but he went the rest of the day with a black tongue.
I know these things are going to happen no matter how hard I try and prevent them! I just have to remember it doesn't mean I'm a bad mom, it just means I'm raising a boy!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rewind: Pre-Surgery

Well, both of my babies are napping. I should be too, but I have been trying to blog since Sunday so if I don't do it now... I might not ever! I'll see if I can make it quick!
Last Friday was our first, of three, big summer trips, a family reunion in the mountains (the others are of course canceled - Havasu and Hawaii). Shaun wasn't in pain (yet) and surgery was still a day away, so we decided to go so he could have one last outing. Our time was short, but it was a good distraction for Shaun and Isaac loved all the attention from grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Here are a few pictures of the gang.

The Higgins Family

Clock wise from Shaun: His mom, cousin Erin, sister Kimberly, Papa, brother Matthew and Isaac, cousin Kellen and her boyfriend John, cousin Gabriele, Aunt Terry and Uncle Jim, sister Courtney, his dad, and Grandma. It's not the clearest picture but it works. There was more family that arrived later.

Isaac LOVES books. Reading is the only time you will see him still.

Grandpa took Isaac outside to play in the water and feel the dirt between his toes!

What kind of trip would it be without Guitar Hero!?!

Holy cow! My lap top battery died and I lost my internet connection. So, two days and now an added five hours later, I am beyond done with this darn post.

Isaac here! I told mommy that I would take over. Daddy is feeling a lot better. The first day was horrible though. He said that on a scale from 1 to 10 his pain was a 12. Ouch!!! Yesterday was better than today but hopefully the worst is over! Daddy hangs out on the couch day and night but we've had a lot of time to read together! I am also sooooo much faster than him. When he crawls to the bathroom I take off with him. I have time to flick the door stop, check under the rug, knock magnets off the fridge, and I STILL beat him everytime!

Just catching up on a little hospital waiting room reading...

Daddy was taking waaaay too long...

So many wires and buttons to play with. No wonder why mommy passed me off to the nurses. That's ok though, I had three brunettes all to myself!

Doing what we do best... Reading, reading, reading!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Post Surgery

What a day!? I'm exhausted so this will be a quick update (for now). Shaun had his surgery today and is now at home for the long recovery. he's in pain... I think more than he wants to admit too! We got to the hospital this morning at 9:30 and didn't leave there until 6pm. Thankfully Isaac spent most of the day at his friend Austin's house. The little time he spent in the waiting room wasn't so fun!

I'll post more later (zero promises on when though) and add some pictures with it! Thanks for your prayers and thoughts.