Shaun and I, without a Shadow of a doubt, know that Isaac is the smartest, funniest, not to mention cutest kid in the world... I don't care if we're his parents and we're supposed to think that either! I can't even imagine life without him. OR before him! Because of Isaac our days are full of true joy, endless laughter, and praise to God for this little life that He has entrusted us with! It's amazing how quickly he learns new "tricks" and picks up on "monkey see, monkey do." His favorite sound right now is hoo, hoo, hoo (like a monkey). We ask him, "Isaac, what does a monkey say?" His excited reply, "Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Whenever he sees an animal (even in a book), that's what he does! SO SMART!!! Here is a picture of him doing his sound. He was reading about Noah's Ark and all the animals. Hopefully you can imagine the sound he's making.
Do you see the resemblance?
Shaun put up a gate by the stairs today so it was my job to keep the kids out of the way! Isaac wanted to "help" and the cats wanted to take the nails so I pulled out a laser and was back in control!
Isaac loves chasing Weezer ALL OVER the house! Hence, the reason we finally put the gate up! 
Cloi is ALWAYS right in the middle of everything. She still tries to compete for being my favorite baby too!
What a darling little monkey. I can totally hear him saying ooh ooh ooh in the pic!
The cutest little monkey I've ever seen! :)
And Cloi and Mittens have something in common - always needing to be in the middle of things! LOL!
We have to get out kiddos together! They seem to have the same energy level! :) How fun.
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