Saturday, June 11, 2011


June 11th has always been a big day for Isaac. Let me show you:

June 11th, 2008: He was recovering from getting eight teeth in eight weeks.

June 11th, 2009: He was weened from nursing! Yes, this did make him one day shy of 19 months. I promised Shaun I would have him weened in his 18th month and I did! ;)

June 11th, 2010: He was potty trained! He transitioned from diapers to big boy underwear!

June 11th, 2011: Well, Isaac has decided that he's no longer human. He now walks on all fours and wants to be called Ailee #2. My dad even leashed him up and took him for a walk this morning! But then the walk wasn't good enough so Ailee and Ailee #2 went for a run! (FYI: you'll notice that clothes are optional in Arizona during the summer. Only the necessities have to be covered)

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Isaac has such character! I love that he says, "I'm not talking."