Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Parker's Stats

This little, naked sun bather just had a doctor's appointment and has some new, impressive stats!

Weight: 30.7 pounds (94 percentile) 

Height: 34 inches (93 percentile)

I don't remember what his head measured (Shaun took him to the appointment) but I know it was in the 99 percentile. 

He's a big boy but the doctor isn't concerned because he's so proportioned... Not to mention healthy, strong, and happy! I wish I could find Isaac's 18 mo. stats to compare. I'm typically one to stay organized and keep good records... Oh well!

This month's goal: Getting rid of the pacifier. He is beyond attached so this is going to be super hard. I'm sure there will be a lot of tears... For Parker and me!


Jennifer Jones said...

Erica, this is so funny. My son is exactly the opposite of Parker. At his 3 yr checkup (yes, 3 yr!), he was 28 1/2 lbs and 34 1/2 inches! It's so interesting to see all the differences in kids who are all considered perfectly healthy! Good luck with the new baby!

. said...

Your month's goal sounds the same as mine. Atleast I'll know I'm not alone :) Good luck! Speaking of goals, is Parker out of his crib yet? Ours isn't...that will be the next goal.