It is definitely Santa season... Everywhere we go, there he is! While Shaun and I try our hardest to teach our boys the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world), we feel that it's also ok for them to believe in Santa while they're little. Isaac gets so excited when he sees him! AND the thought of flying reindeer, led by Rudolph, just about makes him fall over! Isaac also loves the fact that even though it's Jesus' birthday, he still gets presents too! There is one problem though... Isaac loves LOOKING at Santa but DO NOT let him get close! My boys just want to get their presents and get away as fast as possible!
Today Shaun's department had a Christmas party for the kids. Santa (aka: Papa) came sliding down the pole and then delivered presents to each child. He calls them up front, one at a time, and helps them open a gift he made for them (aka: the parents buy a gift for their child and secretly pass it to Santa). Of course Isaac hid his head the whole time. Parker didn't do too bad. He was up their long enough to at least open his present. It was lots of fun and so cute seeing the excitement on all the little kids faces!

We quickly sat Parker on Santa's lap and he tried so hard and for so long not to cry... BUT it didn't work. He eventually lost it! They were much happier when Santa was far and they could freely play with their new presents!
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