Actually, if you count the two other four legged creatures we have in the house, plus the fish and the boys, this is really baby #6... But I figured this title would make you move to the end of your seat!
The boys and I went for a walk this beautiful morning. On our journey home we heard a baby kitten crying. I started laughing because I just figured it was our neighbor's bird pretending to be a cat again, but as I got closer, I saw a tiny kitten climbing the side of a house. The poor thing must have fallen from the balcony and was trying to get back up to it's mommy. I was able to reach up and pull it down. I can't believe how far it had climbed. It was below a ledge so there was no way it was going any higher. We named it Spider Kitty because it climbs buildings just like Spiderman!
It is now in our down stair's bathroom with food, water, a bed, a toy, and a potty. It's super scared and just sits behind the toilet. Isaac likes to go in and check on it, which probably doesn't help the situation. I left a note on the neighbor's door but haven't heard anything yet. Shaun's at work today and couldn't talk when we found it so I just had to text him. I decided I would make him freak out a bit so I told him that we found it and that we were going to keep it. He actually got mad at me. He told me that I should have left it where it was... "On the wall, Shaun? Are you kidding me!?!" He then said that he would have just taken it down and then walked away... "So it could crawl right back up and get stuck again, Shaun? Again, are you kidding me!?!" I did the right thing and I'm just glad I was the one that found it!
Spider Kitty is soooo cute and soooo tiny!
Do you like the little litter "basket?" It's all I had! Poor kitty...
Isaac is actually very gentle with the kitten. I think he's more afraid of it, than it is of him because of the claws.