Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last prego up date!

40 weeks 5 days
(I know it looks like Blake hasn't dropped but even after 9 months I still have a tendency to suck in my gut:] I may have done this here, which brings the belly up a little)!

Since Blake has decided to take up permanent residency in my womb, the doctor is calling it quits and taking him out tonight. It's not the way I would have hoped, but my body is done. Yesterday was a very emotional day for me when I realized this would be the outcome. However, I have had contractions all day and I'm already at 3.5 cm. I'm hoping that when I go in tonight I'll at least be a four, which is considered pre labor and also meaning that Blake was already planning on making his appearance. This is Isaac's delivery all over again. He was a week late so I went in to be induced. Thankfully I was already 4 cm and didn't even know it!

I'm anxious, excited nervous, joyful, overwhelmed, hopeful, but most of all I've had way too much time to think...

This will be my last up date. My next post will be a picture of Blake and all his info. My goal right now is to take a nap and then enjoy our last evening as a family of four! The boys are excited to meet their new little brother in the morning.


BluRayn said...

Yay!!! How exciting!! Praying you have the delivery you want and Blake is here, safe and sound before you know it!!

krista said...

Praying for you guys as you deliver Blake! One of my best friends is getting induced early tomorrow morning too...stubborn baby boys :) Hope you can get a little bit (well, a lot would be great but I'm being realistic) of sleep tonight!!! :)

Keri Sheckler said...

Look forward to seeing a pic of you and your big one and three little ones.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl! I hope you have had Blake by now. Can't wait to hear!
