This week Isaac started standing on his own (for long periods of time) and he's just as proud of himself as we are! He will bounce up and down over and over, with his tongue out as far as possible, but is still wobbly with his steps. Isaac walks (even runs) if he is holding on to the couch, table, or someone's hands, but if he's on his own then he's realized he gets places much faster if he just crawls. We went shoe shopping today and he hated it! He cried every time we put a shoe on his foot. However, as soon as we took it off and handed it to him, he was fine! He LOVES shoes... Just as long as they're not on his feet!
I have no idea what's up with the sound!
Oooh he is getting so big.
Try those robeez (or whatever they are called). My cousin got those for her baby when he started walking and he loves them. Plus they stay on his feet. How was Arizona?
Love the video! What a big boy he is now!
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