Monday, June 18, 2012

Intermission: Blake is 10 months

So, I am writing this on my brand new lap top! Our old one fried again and Shaun was done putting money into it. The only problem is that all my pictures are on the old one. Thankfully the hard drive is still good and we just need to transfer all our files. In the meantime Hawaii will be put on hold and I get to talk about my Blake!


 Today this little guy turned 10 months old! I can hardly believe it! This past month we have seen the most growth in him developmentally. He's learned lots of new tricks and is thrilled when we praise him for it! He's interacting more with his big brothers and gets mad if they leave him and go in the other room. You see, Blake is still not crawling so he needs Isaac and Parker close so they can roll the ball back to him. For months the big brothers thought it was fun to get anything and everything that littlest brother needed. They were right there every second to make sure he was happy! We'll that's getting old and Blake is getting frustrated. He's still a content little guy but, hopefully this will help him realize that he needs to get moving!


He can clap,

He loves to wave,

But, his favorite is to growl! Just ask him... He'll show you how fierce he can be!

He has mastered the sippy cup. He chugs like no other!

He gives the best open mouth kisses! ;)

He is working on tooth #8!

We're guessing he's around 22lbs.

He can palm a basketball!

He can lay on his back and gargle his spit!

He sounds just like Chewbacca and his big brothers love that! 

He is loud and has many, many, many different noises and sounds!

See! Palming a basketball!

Mr. Blake Tyler, you are still my shooting star...

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