Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Michaelangelos

After looking at these pictures again and remembering back to the craziness of this event, I realize that the true name for this post should be, "What in the world was I thinking?" Finger painting with a 10 month old quickly turns into body and mouth painting. Parker was fine playing in the paint but totally didn't get the part where I wanted him to put it on the canvas. I also didn't think about the crawling part. When he was done (and his hands were good and blue), he crawled right off the towels. Good thing I picked the best painting spot in the house... Our still carpeted bathroom floor!!!
Do Shaun and I, being lefties, have two sons that are righties!?!

I love that it actually looks like this was a good idea!

I love crafts and Isaac doesn't really care for them (he would rather be tackling something) so I was in heaven when he didn't want to stop!

Parker spent most of his time in the bath... But that was perfectly fine with him!

1 comment:

Ammah x 6 said...

Some day when you are really adventurous, try making pudding, spread it on a cookie sheet and have them write letters, do math problems, practice cursive writing, etc. They love it and it teaches them at the same time!!!