As a stay at home mom, people are always asking me, "what do you do all day?" Are you kidding me!?! Do they not know my son? CONSTANT entertainment! Yes, some days seem to never end and I crave adult interaction, but for the most part, I am convinced I have the best job in the world.
Every week is different in the Higgins' house. Other than Bible Study on Tuesdays and Mops on Thursdays, we come and go as we please (except for Shaun. Someone has to make the money). Even if it's last minute, we seem to have a grand event each day. This week, while Shaun was at work, Isaac and I extended our family. We found a snail and named him Snail! Having this exciting creature as a pet inspired us to go and buy fish... but only because daddy would be VERY mad if we brought home another cat! I figured we would start small... Four, 28 cent gold fish. Can you guess what Isaac named them? Yup, Nemo! All four! He loves feeding them and then yelling "EAT!" For some reason when he's around they hang out at the back of the tank. I think he's a boy version of Darla from Finding Nemo!
Isaac with his new fish and sharks for the fish to swim through.
Putting the rocks in the tank.
Kissing the shark good bye... Putting the shark in the tank... Realizing that he can't part with them so he takes them back out. They only lasted 5 minutes in the water!
Feeding Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, and Nemo!
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