Awwwwww! I must say, if you have never been to Hawaii... well... that's probably good because you would be addicted like me and never want to leave! We arrived at the Big Island yesterday and have been in awe of it's beauty ever since. It's been overcast all day with a rainy afternoon. the plane ride was loooong! Isaac was a NUT the first half of the plane ride then slept the last two hours. he was up bright at early too, 4:30am... his usual time (of course 7:30 Cali time). Grandpa took him on a walk at 5 because he couldn't sleep either. An hour and a half later they came back with stories of what they saw. Today was spent sight seeing, snorkeling with sea turtles, and grocery shopping for the week! It's now 7pm and Isaac has been in bed for an hour. I don't think he is going to catch on to this whole time change thing. it looks like we'll be going to bed early and waking up before everyone else on the island. Oh yeah, Shaun got his cast off so he is in a boot. He still can't put weight on it but at least he can take it off to go in the water!
loving life!!!!

Kona, Hawaii

Snorkeling Kahalu'u State Park

Can you see the turtle?

Still loving life!!!
Looks beautiful. I have never been, hoping to one day. :)
I'm so jealous! You're right Hawaii is one of the best places on earth. Paradise! I'm glad you guys are having a blast.
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