This guy is such an amazing example of putting others first. If he's not working hard at work, then the poor guy is working hard at home. From the moment he steps in the door he is either touching up baseboards, wrestling, hanging curtains, wrestling, cutting the grass, wrestling, cooking, wrestling, cleaning the cars, or wrestling! He gets up with the boys in the morning and even lets me take naps in the afternoon. And some how he still has energy to to stay fit by biking and working out. He still loves his job as a firefighter and has taken on more responsibilities. He is even working towards a promotion if he can get the training done in time and pass all the tests.
Erica (me)
I'm one week away from second trimester and I'm hoping that as I leave first trimester, all the nausea will pass with it! Yeah right! I am thankful that each pregnancy has gotten easier but I still struggle with being super sensitive to smells. When I was pregnant with Isaac and Parker I couldn't breathe the last three months. My sinuses shut down and the only thing that would clear me up was nose spray. I was expecting this to happen again, but I wasn't planning on it happening already. My nose has already plugged up! You'd think I'd be thrilled because now it's hard to smell anything (like Parker's stinky diapers) but if I can't breathe, then I can't sleep. I'm not thrilled about using nose spray so soon but I need some relief. Any miracle meds out there that you know of? I already have a belly but can still fit in all my pre-preggo clothes. While my energy is low I'm still trying my best to give my hubby and boys the attention they deserve.
(no picture... I'm the photographer)
I have saved writing about Isaac for last (even though there is more in this post)... Sometimes I'm just at a loss with him. This little three year old stops once a day, of course under protest, for a one hour nap. He's usually in bed by 8 (asleep is another story) and up by 7, ready to defeat all the bad guys that dare cross his path. He can go from saying the pledge of allegiance, in perfectly clear english, to his own, from another planet, gibberish. He keeps us on our toes and we never know what he's going to do or say. His imagination is huge and the sky is the limit for him. He requires a lot of discipline and tries to reason with us on a daily basis. He is truly showing us what parenting is all about. Isaac loves his little brother and even enjoys kissing my belly. It's getting harder and harder to remember him ever being a baby! He knows how to make us laugh and what he has to do to get our attention... Good or bad! He's our precious first born son that we thank God for daily!
This little 14 month old is sure to give his big brother a run for his money. For a long time we thought Parker was going to be our easy child that listened to everything we said. Well, my friends... The spell has been broken and mommy and daddy have woken up! Parker loves to test us at an up close and personal level. If we tell him not to put something in his mouth, he'll grab that same object, walk right up to us, look us in the eye, and then shove it in his mouth as far as he can get it... And then run away! It's actually kinda funny right now but we can see where he needs some training. Overall, he is such a happy guy and takes every bump and bruise like a man. The other day we noticed the whole top half of his right ear was black and blue and swollen. But because he's so tough we're not exactly sure how it happened. He loves to climb, cuddle, join in on all the wrestling, run around naked, play ball, chase the cats, and dancing. He's ALWAYS asking for crackers!!! This kid could live off crackers and be fine! He's still not talking but thankfully he knows just enough words in sign language so we can communicate. he knows exactly what he wants (which is usually crackers) and throws quite the tantrum if he doesn't get it! He makes us laugh and we love his open mouth kisses! He also the first child that we've had to call 911 for, which brought eight firefighters to our house Saturday night. I'll blog about it soon... ;) He's our precious second born son that we thank God for daily!
Baby #3
Baby Higgins is just under two inches and has a strong heart beat of 150 to 155. She/he is fully formed and soon the little hands will be big enough to open and close. Tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums and the bones are starting to harden. He/she is working hard at kicking and loves to stretch (which was seen in today's ultrasound). When I saw my little baby today, I cried. Even though we've already done this two times, it never gets old. It's still a miracle that blows my mind. Something that is so small is still as human as you and me. I typically don't get this many ultrasounds but my doctor had a concern that she wanted to double check. It ended up being nothing but it did allow for me to see how our baby has changed over a short four weeks time! She He This baby is our precious third child that we thank God for daily!
7 weeks 5 days
9 weeks 5 days
Today at 11 weeks 5 days
How fearfully and wonderfully made is this baby!?!
Psalms 139:13-14
1 comment:
I don't always comment, usually cuz it's a read-and-dash, but just wanted to say thanks for sharing the updates!! I love seeing how big your little guys are getting! And I'm so excited for you with baby #3!! I'm hoping and praying along with you that you get blessed with some pink, but if you get more blue I'll be excited along with you! :) My 2 year old is driving me crazy lately, not least of which because I've been a single parent for 2 months and have another 2 months to go, lol!! One of these days, I'm gonna get back to blogging!!
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