Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

We have been pretty busy this month. With Christmas over and all our activities back on the calendar it doesn't leave much time to blog or even sit and relax. AND my mom is visiting so I don't get calls from her telling me that she needs a blog update! I also feel like I want to throw up every second of the day so I'm just doing everything I can to make it to the next day... This is all I've got for now!
I haven't had time, or the energy, to do laundry so we wrapped the boys in towels and sent them to bed!
Not really!

Isaac has had to figure out how to multi task... Here he is combining play time with nap time!

And poor Parker is still waiting for someone to come and read him a book!

1 comment:

The Burdett Family said...

So sorry you are sick! At least you get a cute squishy baby at the end :) Hang in there girl and I hope it eases up!