Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A typical night...

Tonight, after baths but before bedtime, the boys were playing, like usual, so I decided to take a few pictures! They are enjoying each other so much these days. It's giggles all the time! I find myself slipping away more often to do things (like shower and chores of course) because they entertain one another! For those first time moms that are struggling to get through the first few months and are asking, "Why in the world would you do this again?" My answer.. This is why!

You're never too young to start learning the planets! :)

My new storage/sitting furniture piece. The only reason I'm letting Isaac eat on it is because the first day I brought it home Parker ate a tissue and then threw it up on the ottoman! I figured what's a few crumbs compared to regurgitated stomach fluid!
Parker LOVES tents! The bum pictures is my favorite!

You'd never guess Parker was SOOO tired! He's such a happy guy! So much personality too! It's a bummer his brother can't be the same way...

I mean... Look at him... So boring!

Not an ounce of personality...

He's always so upset and mad at the world...

Some days I wish he would just loosen up and live a little...

Not be so serious... Oh well, we'll keep working on him! ;)

Poop Parker... So much love for one little guy to handle!

Ahhh... Now that's better!!! Good night!


Kevin and Keri Sheckler said...

Fun post!!

Shannon said...

Love all the pictures and all of Isaac's faces! So funny!