Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bon appetit

I'm learning that when feeding a toddler, it's all about the presentation. Tonight, I left the forks and spoons in the drawer and pulled out the tooth picks. It worked like a charm! He ate everything I put in front of him! And yes, even whales need an apple a day! Or maybe they're just sleeping!? :)

Some funny, random pictures...

Shaun and I were up stairs talking when we heard something down stairs spill, followed by an "uh-oh!" Isaac had found Nerds (the candy) and popped open the lid. Shaun started to clean them up so I told him to let Isaac do it. He handed him the vacuum and he was busy for a solid 15 minutes!

And just a few more...

Isaac loves to look at pictures. He climbs up in the chair and points to the lap top. He knows which button to push to make the pictures change.

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Kevin and Keri Sheckler said...

I don't know if you already do this with Isaac but since he knows how to basically use the computer check out There is a game that has the kids push a letter key. Each time Elmo pops up, says the letter and a word that begins with that letter. Sofia could do it by 18 months, Selah, well, we're still working on it.:)

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

He is just too cute. Toothpick work here too. I learned it at Costco actually.