It was just as clear today, as it was last Monday, that we are having another boy! I must say that I was a little shocked. I really thought this one was a girl. All of my wives tales said girl, I dreamed girl, and I feel like I'm carrying higher this time. One baby gender predictor test did say boy so maybe I should have taken that into more consideration. Part of me was hoping it was a girl (just so I could make sure to have one of each and then there wouldn't be any pressure on the third) and because having a girl would be something new... I've already "been there, done that" with a boy and didn't think it would be as exciting the second time around. As each day goes by I am proven wrong. I am honestly THRILLED to be having another boy! I'm just as anxious and excited this time to meet a whole new little person! It will be so nice for Isaac to have a little brother too. We're already busting out at the seams so we're also glad that we don't have to buy anything but diapers! I always thought that it would be perfect to have boy, boy, girl! So far I'm 66% there! Pressures on!!!
Little Higgins is growing big and strong just as designed! He is constantly moving and so far seems to have the energy that his daddy and big brother have! Wonderful! The doctor had a really hard time taking all the measurments today because he wouldn't hold still. Today I am 18 weeks but he measures between 18 weeks and 4 days to 19 weeks, which takes me back to my original November 13th due date. They come when they are ready though (Isaac also measured big and came a week late and was still only 7 lbs. 15 oz.).
We were given a lot of pictures today but this one was my favorite! Do you think he's trying to tell us something?
His profile looks so much like Isaac's. So cute of course! We are so excited! He and Isaac will be such good buds just like Brent and Shaun were growing up! It is a blessing.
That is the most precious ultrasound picture ever. I am so happy for you guys.
I love the ultrasound pic.! thats so great, another boy!
I love his little fingers!!
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