I had the best devotion ever with my little guys tonight. Typically I'm just trying so hard to get them to sit down, be quiet, and learn something that I don't even begin to give myself a chance to apply anything to my own life. Besides, they are kid devotions from a kid's book. They are simple, easy, and very childish.
However, tonight I learned that when I'm not open to learning, they don't really care to learn either. It becomes routine and boring... Something I'm just trying to get through it so I can finally put them to bed and have me time. I don't like when I have to MAKE them listen instead of them WANTING to learn.
After putting Blake to sleep I went in Isaac and Parker's room. Parker had dressed himself in Batman pajamas and Isaac was sitting on the floor playing with Iron man, Thor, and Spiderman (or was it Hulk?) We had had people over so it was late. Usually I'll read a few books of their choice and then do a night time devotional. Well, everything inside of me just wanted to put them in bed without reading. However, I knew that wouldn't work. I thought I would be sneaky and just try and get away with the devotional so I grabbed the cool boy one. The blue one with swords on it! They huffed and puffed but when I read the title of this particular story, "superheroes," I thought I might have a chance.
I asked them what makes a super hero a super hero. Parker began to show me all their cool moves and how they climb walls and do karate kicks. Isaac picked up Iron man and made all these crazy fighting boy sounds that I can never do. They told me how each super heroes' power works. So, their answer for what makes a super hero a super hero?... Their great/super powers. As we continued to talk (and I continued to guide), they came up with another reason... Saving people. If people don't cry out to them for help, then they don't need to be super. People need to be saved in order for there to be a need for super heroes. Now for the two applications...
First: Jesus is our super hero. He has super powers, far greater than Iron man and Spiderman, that he is waiting to show us. However, people need to cry out to Him so they can be saved. The sad part is that most of our world won't know they need to be saved til it's too late. There aren't "many" ways to get to heaven... Just one. And that involves recognizing our need for THE Superhero and crying out to Him... NOW! I guess I've never thought of Jesus as a super hero until I defined the word with my boys. Someone with super powers that will save!
Second: I thought I was reading a simple children's devotion with simple applications. Like, share your toys or thank God for the pretty birds. Well, when it said that we need to take care of the widows and the orphans I was shocked. That is a Biblical command that I didn't think kids could even come close to understanding. Having to explain to my boys that some kids don't have parents or that some daddies die and only mommies are left to take care of their kids is hard and heartbreaking! However, God has given us powers (gifts and talents) and blessed us with so much that when others (widows and orphans) cry out, we need to help. Punch in the gut! Now, I don't think I'll run out and adopt a little orphan tomorrow but, I am pondering why God hit me so hard with this!? The solution may be as simple as doing what my boys suggested... To give some of their toys to the kids that don't have any. Or finding a way to raise money for those that have lost mommies or daddies.
Right now I'm just thankful for my boy's sweet hearts and that they can understand that you don't have to have big muscles or wear crazy costumes to be a superhero... Although, It is way more fun that way!
An oldie but a goodie!