Thursday, April 1, 2010

2 shall become 3...

To our COMPLETE surprise, our COMPLETE dumbfoundedness, our COMPLETE there is no possible way this could have happened I'm on birth control and Parker is only 4 months... Baby number 3 is on the way!!!

April Fools...


travis and hayley said...

oh my gosh!!!! i totally believed you... and i told travis... then i remembered about you and your april fools jokes. and then i saw the fine print. woooo crazy girl!

The Hofschroer's said...

I remembered that you are an april fools fanatic but I was still waiting for you to confirm it at the end. =)

. said...

You totally got me!!! I was all ready to write a comment about how cool it is to have babies 13 months apart but forget it. I guess your just not cool enough to be part of that club :) ...and after I saw your small print I realized, I think she did this to me last year.

Tawny Edwards said...

You totally got me!! I was pretty excited (and a little nervous) for you! =)