What a week! Shaun, the boys, and I just got back from AZ. Usually when we go, we lay around and relax... Not this time. We were non stop. I had a 10 year reunion and ended up seeing high school friends three days in a row. Shaun went down south to my uncle's ranch, Isaac and Ailee played everyday, and we even fit in a trip to the zoo! The drive back was a lot more pleasant than the drive there. Parker was the one I was worried about but he pretty much slept both ways. Isaac, on the other hand, was the one that needed constant entertainment. It's about a five hour drive (minus the halfway stop that is usually an hour) and Isaac slept maybe an hour on the way home. We had a great time but it's always nice to be home!

Some high school friends. I didn't get tons of pictures 'cause I was too busy talking. We had a photographer there so I figured I would let him do all the work!
Ummm, yeah... Not my doing. Apparently my camera was sitting out so my dad decided that he would be funny and teach Isaac bad table manners. Thanks dad!
Isaac and Ailee. Poor Ailee was
sooooo tired. She was thrilled when Isaac would go down for naps so she could get a break.
Our zoo trip. I'm not at all happy with our pictures. The best ones got erased from our camera. We had three AMAZING family pictures... The first pictures of myself that I've actually been
ok with since Parker was born. I guess we'll just have to do it again. We had a wonderful day. Parker was content the ENTIRE time. He was also awake the ENTIRE time. It was a quiet drive home (back to my parents) with both boys sound to sleep!
Four generations (oh Isaac! You think you're so funny)!
G.G. Mom and her 17
th great grandchild, Parker!
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