Thursday, September 20, 2012

September so far...

"Summer" has technically been over for two weeks. Kids are back in school and school year programs have started. However, that doesn't seem to stop us from doing what we do best... Staying busy with adventures! Besides the everyday chaos of getting Isaac to school, keeping up with the house, Shaun going to work, seeing friends, etc. We've already made it to Sea World, Disneyland, and spent a weekend camping! We had to use our SW passes one last time before they expired, even if it meant a rushed trip. We knew Dland would be "empty" because of the new school year. And camping... Well, this is just the beginning of many camping posts!
Sea World!
This under the sea park has given us a great three years. We can always count on the crowds being small, the weather being mild, and the boys being thrilled!
If I were a shark, I would be afraid of Isaac!

All my cubs in our den!

 Had the park to ourselves!
Resting with daddy... Blake is out cold!

Blake getting his picture drawn just like his big brothers did at his age!

Load 'em up!
This was one of the least crowded days we've seen. Too bad we weren't able to get there til noon cause I'm sure the morning was beautiful! We walked on most rides and went wherever the boys wanted! Parker rode the roller coast in ToonTown for the first time and loved it! Of course he then had to go again and again!
We love Mickey's house... It has AC!

Awwww..... He looks so big!

 I think he likes peanut butter!
Mr. Happy!
I'm ready for Blake to walk... He wants down but there is no where to put him down at Dland!

I'm glad this car is cemented to the ground!
We headed for Lake Skinner in Temecula last Friday afternoon. We met three other families there which gave us a grand total of 10 kids ranging from three weeks to five years. Our trailers backed up to a huge grassy area where the kids ran like crazy for two days straight! Typically when we go somewhere the first night is a little rough. However, the boys slept hard and didn't even wake up til eight. Each morning, before it got too hot, they played on the playground. Then, when the sun started beating down on us we headed to the water park area. The full mornings made for long afternoon naps. It was fun but, we're looking forward to camping when it's not so hot!
The highlight story:
Parker was playing on the play ground and didn't have a shirt on. He walked up to another boy, that was at least 1st grade, to see what he was doing. The short conversation went like this...
Parker: What are you doing?
1st grader: (looks up at him) You look pregnant!
Parker: (without any hesitation) Well you're a baby. And you're a baby so I'm going to hold you like a baby!
1st grader: (silence)
It was hilarious!
The days were HOT but, we were still able to light a fire in the cool evenings!

Playing with glow sticks

The girls loved Blake... Feeding him, giving him toys, making him laugh...

The water park area was huge and absolutely perfect!

Our little set up!

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