Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day of School

It's really quiet at our house right now.
Like really, really, really quiet.
Something is missing...
Is it quiet because Blake is taking a nap?
Is it quiet because Parker is watching a movie in my room?
Is it quiet because Shaun is at the dentist?
It must be the fact that Isaac started school today!
That is definitely it!!!
I dropped this little guy off at school for the first time this morning!
And oh how I already miss him! He is by far my loudest child, from early morning to late at night, so it is obvious when he is gone. However, we will miss his chaos and high energy when he's away!
As I kissed him good bye this morning I thought about the first time I held him. Even though he was only two seconds old he was able to look up at me. It was as if he was saying, "Hi mom! Are you ready for me!?" Now four years and 10 months later he seems so big! So independent! So handsome! So ready to get out and see the world! Ok, maybe not quite!
Now that I've had my little mommy moment I feel silly admitting that he's only going to be gone three days a week for three hours at a time. While most of Isaac's friends are off to kindergarten, he still has one more year in pre-k due to his November birthday. I'm ok with that though... It gives us more time to figure out what we're going to do for school. Will we pay for private school or go ahead and homeschool so we can come and go as we please? I HATE being tied down!!!
On Friday Isaac met his teacher, Mrs. Levine, and toured his classroom. He was particularly happy about the playground and that Austin and Blake were going to be in his class! He asked to go to school all weekend so that made this morning's transition easy.
The birth to preschool years have seemed soooooo long but, I think I'm finally realizing while people with grown children are ALWAYS telling me, "Enjoy the time that they are little... It goes by way too fast!"

Big smiles!

fireman? Shocking, I know! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree! And Uncle Brent is a police man!

Parker was very sad that he couldn't stay with Isaac and kept asking for him on the way home! "But I just want Isaac!" Some chocolate chip cookies helped heal his little heart!

More big smiles!

Me: Parker, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Parker: I want to be Puss in Boots!
Me: No Parker, not for Halloween... When you're big and grown up.
Parker: Ohhhhhhhh! When I grow up I want to be The Hulk and have big muscles!

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