Monday, June 8, 2009


Dear Little Brother,

I can't wait for you to get here. We are going to be best friends. We're going to play basketball and motorcycles together. I'm older though so I'll get to choose what rules we play by. I'll protect you with my big muscles, crush all the snails that are in your path, and teach you everything you need to know. Like, if mommy tries to feed you asparagus you open wide to accept it, then quickly spit it out and let it fall on the floor when she's not looking! Or, if daddy wants you to "ride the horse" upstairs, you should run away because that means your day is over and you are going to bed! There are a lot of cute ladies in this world, but just leave them all to me for now. I'll let you know when you're ready! Mommy says that you won't be ready to wrestle for a while so I'll try and be gentle... But seeing as how I'm still learning what that means I can't make any promises. If there is something you really want but mommy and daddy said no, then I have four other people to introduce you to - Grandpa, Gramzie, Mummu, and Iso! They are better known as our grandparents... Great resources to getting what we want! I'll teach you the little tricks that melt their hearts every time!

I know that's a lot to think about but it's not like you have anything else to do for the next five months! I'll also tell mommy and daddy that you would like to have a name too! I'll see you in November... A big hug and kiss will be waiting for you!

I love you, Big Brother Isaac

In case the little letter isn't clear... We're having another boy!


Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Well, congratulations. I can not wait to see him. How nice for Isaac to have a little brother. At least you already have the boy thing down.

krista said...

how exciting :) congratulations!!!

Gramzie said...

We are SO happy for another boy. Just can't wait. It's hard to imagine another one as cute as Isaac but we know he will be. And YES!!!!! We can't wait to spoil him and teach him about Jesus!!!!

Shannon said...

Yay! Another boy! How fun for Isaac! Congratulations!

Alicia said...

Congrats! The letter was priceless. Isaac will be a fabulous big brother!

BluRayn said...

VERY AWESOME!!! That's so cool!! Congrats! As a mama of THREE boys I can say, unequivocally, that they are the BEST! Girls are good too, but I have no experience there, yet. LOL But having brothers, especially being a boy and having a 'da bomb' My boys are soooooo close, even though they're almost 3 years apart (umm, not including the baby) and they have 3 other boys around ages 9-11 on the block, one has an older brother (that doesn't play with him much) and the other two have sisters, and all 3 of them are 'jealous' of my boys relationship cuz they've got that 'friend for life' thing going on. (Needless to say our house is pretty popular and even MORE run over with boys!!)

Congrats again my friend, that is wonderful news!!

Sarah said...

YEA!!!!! This is going to be so much fun for you guys!!! Congratulations!!! :)

The Hofschroer's said...

I have been waiting for this post! So exciting!

Stephanie said...

cute! how fun to know and be able to plan and dream.

travis and hayley said...

congratulations!!! so fun to have brothers in the family!!!