Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Colossal Coaster World

For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Or a more simple version for the little ones...
God helps me. I will not be afraid.
Hebrews 13:6
I can't believe I forgot to blog about Vacation Bible School because it was AMAZING!!! These pictures were hiding on my phone and when I realized it was time to start deleting, I found them!
Other than helping with crafts last year (and running to nurse Blake in between groups coming in), I haven't experienced VBS like this since I was little. When I went to Belize in 2002 we did back yard Bible Studies but, nothing compares to the "American" way of doing VBS. Our whole family gets excited for this special week in JULY. Rollercoaster school, as the boys called it, was an adventure that required a lot of energy. Shaun worked first aid (for three days) and I taught first grade! Parker enjoyed his pre-K class, Blake was in with six of his little friends, and Isaac was with me. FYI: Isaac has had a group of buddies at church since he was in the nursery. However, they are all a few months older, which puts them a grade ahead. Instead of splitting him up, we just bumped him up a grade. So, at school he's in K but at church he's in 1st.  
Anyway, the theme was a carnival and the message was to trust God when you have to face fears (like riding giant rollercoasters). This was a lesson I needed the week prior. It was extremely convicting teaching a class of 30 kids that we don't have to be afraid because God gives us power. If only I had taken my own advice... Lesson learned.
I had a great co-teacher, Jodi Cope, that probably did most of the work. My classroom skills are a little rusty whereas she's still teaching. :) 

A few of our classroom creations.

Craft time with Gabriel and Caleb.

Did you read my previous post? Here's Parker doing his thing... Glad I was able to capture this moment between him and Cassidy. Blake excited to go to VBS and Isaac enjoying his first experience of eating cotton candy!

Carson and Isaac sharing their little brothers.

Boys vs. girls
My boys counting their money to take to VBS in hopes that they would win. Sadly, the girls won and pastor (the boys representative) got a pie in the face. The money raised went to South Asia.
Yes, that is TP in our yard. Already? I wasn't expecting this for at least 10 more years. Thankfully it wasn't much and it was a quick clean up and we weren't late to VBS!

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