Thursday, February 7, 2013

Saying Good-Bye to Six Years

Six years ago, this month, I found out I was pregnant with this handsome guy...

Four years ago, this month, while still nursing the first handsome guy, I found out I was pregnant with this little super hero...
 Two years ago, this month, while nursing my second little super hero, I was already three months pregnant with this little rockstar...
The past six years have been filled with big bellies and nursing babies! It's become my identity... All I've known! I have been needed 24/7 and outings have been limited. My style took a back seat and I became a hat wearer. I have pretty much had a kid attached to my insides or my hip for six years straight! It was a tough (yet rewarding) season of my life. Days were long and I wondered if I was ever going to sleep again (not sure that question will ever go away)...
This February marks the end of this journey... I am no longer nursing and I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant either! ;) While the days were long, the years were short. Now that I can be me again, I'm not exactly sure who "me" is? Now that I don't have to dress to make it easy to nurse, I don't know the latest style! Now that I'm done having kids I'm amazed at how fast it went and how much I already miss it! When I was little I dreamed of getting married and having babies. Well... Check and... Check! I never thought to dream past the babies growing up... All my childhood dreams have been accomplished. Funny how that works! Now I can die happy... Just kidding! I'm actually really struggling with this so I'm throwing some humor in to lighten it up! ;) I can just hear the comments, "Then have more kids!" That's not the answer. I have to stop at some point, right!? I don't want NEW babies in my arms, I just want MY big boys to be little boys again. It's hard to remember back to when it was just Isaac. Not to mention just Shaun and me minus the trio!
The more I think about it though, the more excited I get about this next stage of life. I love watching my boys become more independent and how proud they are of themselves when they accomplish a new task! Tonight Blake thought he was hot stuff when he was able to identify all the animals I named in his Noah's Ark book. Isaac is my big helper and Parker is my polite little charmer who calls me Ma'am. Their stories make me laugh and I know that is something I would miss if they were babies again!
My babies are growing up and someday they will be men... Blows my mind! Whatever the next stage is, I'm learning to cherish every moment... Even the hard ones!
Someday we'll get Parker to look at the camera!

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