Five years ago today (also on a Monday) was my due date with this handsome boy! Little did I know that the day, as well as the entire week, would come and go and it wouldn't be til the following Monday that Mr. Isaac would make his appearance into the world. I was tired and super uncomfortable. Not to mention desperate to meet my new little love! I was in shock of how much my body had stretched and didn't want it to go any further! Also, because of how he was pushing down on my nerves, there were days that it hurt to even stand up. AND it wasn't one of those pains that I could just try and walk off. No, the only cure was to have this baby! I was done! I wanted him out! Nothing could be worse than your last days of pregnancy! But, he didn't seem to care...
Fast forward five years to today... Man, I thought I was in pain then!?! Being pregnant with your first child is nothing compared to dealing with three crazy boys (two of which are sick) while daddy is at work for 48 hours AND the time changes. If I knew then, what I know now... I would have kept him inside another three weeks! Ok, maybe not! ;)
Today was one of those days that I just wanted to throw in the towel... Tap out... run away. Or maybe I would have just settle for going to the bathroom in peace! I know moms jokingly say that all the time but, it's totally true. As soon as I sit down I hear a massive sneeze followed by a child yelling, "BOOGERS!" Or, a scream followed by a slap. Or, "Blake is eating my paper!" Or, "I'm hungry!" Or, "can you put this costume on?" Or, "Mommy, can you come here?" Or, "It's a commercial can you fast forward?" The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!
I would gladly take being hunched over in bed instead of having to discipline my Isaac that just seems so angry inside. To have to see the way he looks at me because he's mad that he's being punished for something HE did. My body might not be aching but, holy moly it sure does hurt my heart!
And Parker... The endless whining and freak outs over the smallest things! He is obviously almost three! This past year was so good that I even forgot we were in the "terrible twos!" I really should have just put myself out of my misery today and shoved in some earplugs! It's not like he was using his words anyways... Everything was a dramatic game of charades. Like, the blood curdling scream. That meant he was thirsty. And the grunts of pain that sounded like he was in labor. That meant he needed his nose wiped!
Then there was Blake... Oh Blake! I understand he's sick and he's growing teeth... But, does he have to remind me about it every two seconds. He's been up the past two mornings before five due to congestion and the time change. He was down to nursing twice a day (if that) however, today I latched him on three or four times. Instead of duct taping his mouth shut I just gave him milk. Seemed like the loving-mother thing to do!
I don't know why the big boys think it's time to fight when I'm trying to put Blake to sleep. Yeah Isaac, Parker might have been banging on the shelf because he knew he was supposed to be quiet AND he knew it was driving you nuts but, did you really have to take matters into your own hands? His screams from being attacked were way more distracting to Blake than his tapping. And, can you cut the Parker, Larker, Harker, Warker, Sparker... He really doesn't like when you do that! And Parker, just because Isaac finally finds a toy that he can quietly play with, doesn't mean that that has to be the one and only toy, out of the millions we have, that you need to also play with at that very moment!
I was so done today! Completely. Over. It. BUT, as I'm typing this out I'm finding it funny. Funny because I know these are the exact same things my siblings and I did. Parenting is such pay back! All these things are normal and temporary. Part of growing up! I know Parker won't be three forever and I know soon Blake will have all his teeth. However, I still struggle with trying to guide Isaac. He's a challenge. It's not easy being the oldest brother or having a similar personality, which in return, clashes with your mommy. :/ I try to be patient with him because he's a perfectionist and wants to please. But, his 0 to 60 in 3.4 seconds temper makes me crazy! Prayer and consistent-constant instruction is all I've got these days! We both know forgiveness and have done our fair share of apologizing to each other. This little guy was the first to steal my heart so he's worth fighting for. We have many good times too. Oh how he makes me laugh and I can't believe how big and smart he's getting. He's my helper... I can always count on him!
My theme verse rang extra loud in my head today... Do not grow tired and weary from doing what is right. For in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Not giving up!!!
7 years ago
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