Monday, August 8, 2011

Not quite time...

I know there really isn't a convenient time to have a baby, but I'm glad Blake didn't come today... Even though I'm dying to meet him!

Parker woke up Friday morning at 5 o'clock with a temperature of 105.3. It's been on and off since then and the highest it got today was 101. Because he has developed a cough and Niagara Falls for a nose, I went a head and took him to the doctors this morning... It ended up being a viral thing (plus a sore throat) that eventually goes away on it's own. Exactly what we figured but with a new baby coming soon, I needed to know for sure... Peace of mind.

Besides the cold, the other grand events today included: Shaun leaving for work :(, Parker falling down the stairs, Isaac having an hour and a half melt down, and Isaac tripping on a toy and landing on his face, causing his bottom teeth to go through his lip. Poor guy had the fattest lip. Through all his crying he told me he was scared but that Jesus would heal his body. However, two minutes later when he still felt pain, could still see blood, and was confused as to why he hadn't been healed, he yelled, "Where is Jesus?" It was so precious.

Even though today was definitely not a picture taking day, I was able to get this cute one of Parker loving on the elephants that are painted on the walls at the doctor's office. It was a long wait and he wasn't about to be confined in the small room, so we toured the "jungle" while we waited!  

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